Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

ACTivation Psychology offers neurodivergent affirming therapy for adolescents and adults.

We know you have always felt different and that you just never really belonged anywhere. 

It feels impossible to get anything done and you worry that you will never amount to anything.

Even the idea of going after something you care about (whether that is pursuing school, a new career, a relationship, or getting yourself out of a negative situation), feels like way too much to handle and you have no idea where to start.

You can barely take care of yourself enough to get out of bed, shower, and eat. Let alone do work, cook food, clean your place, and somehow have time left over for hobbies or socializing.

You are afraid that there is no way out of this mess and that you will never be able to do it all on your own.

Imagine if you could wake up every day and despite what your mind is telling you (because we know it will keep screaming, “You can’t do it,” “You’re not good enough,”) still work towards the stuff that you really care about. 

Instead of giving in every time your mind tells you to, you could continue to move toward what matters. What if we told you it was possible to finally go for what you want and that you won’t spontaneously combust, or fall to pieces along the way?

We often tell  our clients that we do not have a magic wand, and we cannot promise your pain will go away (because, hey, guess what- pain means you are human!), but we can promise that you will learn to live with your pain in a new way and stop putting your life on hold. 

When we meet with new clients, they generally tell us they have already tried it all and nothing  worked. They want something different, they want change, they want their lives back.

Contact us today to get your life back!



Contact Us Today

2460 West 26th Avenue Suite 465-C
Denver, CO 80211
(720) 893-1415

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