

Distress Tolerance Series #3 ACCEPTS Skills 

If you haven’t already checked out the blog posts on 5 ways to handle a crisis, what the heck is distress tolerance, and the TIP skills, they are linked here in case you want more information.   The ACCEPTS skills are various ways in which you can distract yourself from your current stressful circumstances in the short term.    ...[ read more ]

Distress Tolerance Series # 2 TIP Skills

If you haven’t already checked out the blog posts on 5 Ways to Handle a Crisis and What the Heck is Distress Tolerance, they are linked here in case you want more information. The TIP skills are for managing extreme emotional arousal and will be described in more detail in the acronym below. These skills help to literally change your...[ read more ]

Distress Tolerance Series # 1 What the heck is distress tolerance?

According to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Distress tolerance is the idea of getting through a crisis situation without making the situation worse. As discussed in my blog post on surviving a crisis , often when in crisis we end up doing things that inherently make the situation worse. The ultimate goal of distress tolerance is to buy more time for...[ read more ]

A Strategy for Surviving the COVID-19 Crisis and Social Distancing

According to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), there are 5 ways that people can respond in a crisis situation: Solve the problem The first goal in any crisis is to solve the problem, if possible. For example, if the crisis is that your car broke down, you could solve the problem by calling a mechanic to look at and fix the...[ read more ]

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Denver, CO 80211
(720) 893-1415

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